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About Dirk

Dirk Drent qualified as Urologist in South Africa in 1985 obtaining both the Masters degree in Urology and the Fellowship of the College of Surgeons of South Africa. During his period as full time Urology Consultant he acted as the head of the Department of Urology in Pretoria during the sabbatical leave of the Professor of Urology. 

Dirk has performed many open nerve sparing radical prostatectomies for prostate cancer over a period of twenty two years and was using the same technique as Professor Patrick Walsh who is the world leader in nerve sparing radical prostatectomies.

Since 2008 he has been doing nerve sparing laparoscopic radical prostatectomies on hundreds of patients by using the laparoscopic techniques as promoted by Mr Vipul Patel, Florida Hospital, USA who has done the most robotic assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomies in the world,, and Professor Phillip Stricker of Sydney who is the most experience prostate cancer surgeon in Australia.

Dirk has been involved in female urinary incontinence and Urodynamic studies since 1980. Since 1999 he has performed more than 400 laparoscopic Burch colposuspensions. He has been doing retropubic prolene sling procedures since 2001 which is currently the primary surgical technique used by Dirk for female stress urinary incontinence. He also performs pubovaginal sling procedures by using the patients own rectus sheath.

He performs laparoscopic pelvic reconstructive surgery in women with pelvic organ prolapse as shown in the articles. Dirk had the privilege to complete training at the EITS Institute France under the Directorship of Dr Arnaud Wattiez. Dr Wattiez was part of the first team of surgeons globally to develop this technique, which includes uterine preservation where possible.

He enjoys the diversity in the field of Urology and he regards rendering a service of a high standard and of excellence as a challenge worth pursuing.


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